Ton classement de tennis belge AFT futur

Vind een speler met zijn naam of Tennis Vlaanderen lidnummer.
Speler : Axel SOFISTI
Seizoen: 2010  (Zie 2011)
Huidig klassement: C30.3
Onze voorspelling voor volgend seizoen: C30.3
Wedstrijden lijst
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
O 2009-12-18 Tornooi ARGAYON SJG -12 Leandro COLLET C30.3 C30.2 6/4-6/4 0 1025 2 3
O 2010-06-19 Tornooi ODRIMONT SJG -12 I maxime NOEL NC C30.4 6/4-6/4 0 97040 0 1
O 2010-07-02 Tornooi JUMETEXC SJG -12 I Clément MAGRITTE NC NC 6/0-6/1 0 109181 0 0
O 2010-07-02 Tornooi JUMETEXC SJG -12 I Clément LACHAMBRE NC C30.4 6/1-6/0 0 109186 0 1
O 2010-07-16 Tornooi BRUSSELS SJG -12 I Guillaume DAGNAUD NC C30.3 7/5-6/0 0 117373 0 2
O 2010-07-16 Tornooi BRUSSELS SJG -12 I Philip JENSEN C30.3 C30.3 6/1-6/0 0 117376 2 2
O 2010-08-23 Tornooi UCCLE SPORT SJG -12 I Louis MATHIEU NC NC 6/0-6/0 0 161065 0 0
O 2010-08-23 Tornooi UCCLE SPORT SJG -12 I Gauthier DE ROOSE NC NC 6/0-6/0 0 161059 0 0
O 2010-07-23 Tornooi ROSEAU SJG -12 I Nathan BERTIAU C30.4 C30.4 6/0-6/3 0 132466 1 1
O 2010-07-23 Tornooi DAVIS SJG -12 I maxime NOEL NC C30.4 7/5-6/0 0 133142 0 1
O 2010-08-06 Tornooi RAQUETTE WAVRE SJG -12 I Jonathan ROMAIN C30.3 C30.2 4/6-7/6-6/3 0 145500 2 3
O 2010-08-06 Tornooi RAQUETTE WAVRE SJG -12 I Aymeric EVRARD NC C30.4 6/1-6/2 0 145512 0 1
O 2010-08-06 Tornooi RAQUETTE WAVRE SJG -12 I Arthur DERCQ NC C30.4 7/6-6/0 0 145516 0 1
O 2010-08-14 Tornooi ARGAYON SJG -12 I Maxime NOBEN NC NC 6/1-6/1 0 154981 0 0
O 2010-08-14 Tornooi ARGAYON SJG -12 I Martin GILLE C30.3 C30.3 6/0-4/6-6/2 0 154990 2 2
O 2010-08-23 Tornooi UCCLE SPORT SJG -14 I Thibaud FLAMENT NC NC 6/0-6/1 0 161150 0 0
V 2009-12-18 Tornooi ARGAYON SJG -12 Thibault LIEGEOIS C30.2 C30 WO-Cer 2 1034 3 5
V 2009-12-21 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SJG -12 I Harold THIRAN C30.3 C30.2 WO-Cer 2 540 2 3
V 2010-06-19 Tornooi ODRIMONT SJG -12 I Charles TZICAS C30.1 C30 7/6-6/2 0 97052 4 5
V 2010-07-02 Tornooi PARIVAL SJG -12 I THOMAS MAVROGONATOS C30.3 C30.2 7/5-2/6-6/1 0 105606 2 3
V 2010-07-02 Tornooi JUMETEXC SJG -12 I Nicolas MILANESE C30.1 C30.1 6/1-6/1 0 109189 4 4
V 2010-07-16 Tornooi BRUSSELS SJG -12 I THOMAS PIERRE C30.1 C30 4/6-6/0-6/1 0 117378 4 5
V 2010-08-23 Tornooi UCCLE SPORT SJG -12 I Alexandre FABRY C30.3 C30.1 6/2-6/1 0 161068 2 4
V 2010-07-23 Tornooi ROSEAU SJG -12 I Henri GILLARD C30.3 C30.3 4/1 0 132472 2 2
V 2010-07-23 Tornooi DAVIS SJG -12 I Hadrien HALLET C30.3 C30.2 6/2-7/6 0 133149 2 3
V 2010-07-30 Tornooi LA HULPE SJG -12 I Alexandre FABRY C30.3 C30.1 6/4-6/1 0 138548 2 4
V 2010-08-06 Tornooi RAQUETTE WAVRE SJG -12 I THOMAS PIERRE C30.1 C30 6/0-6/1 0 145503 4 5
V 2010-08-14 Tornooi ARGAYON SJG -12 I Loïc SIDLER C30.1 C30.1 6/4-6/0 0 154996 4 4
V 2010-08-23 Tornooi UCCLE SPORT SJG -14 I Anthony DE GREEF C30.3 C30.2 6/3-7/5 0 161157 2 3
Laatste update: 2024-09-19 23:59:03 CET
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