Ton classement de tennis belge AFT futur

Vind een speler met zijn naam of Tennis Vlaanderen lidnummer.
Speler : Phi-Long HUYNH HUU
Seizoen: 2013  (Zie 2012) (Zie 2014)
Huidig klassement: C30.4
Onze voorspelling voor volgend seizoen: C30.2
Wedstrijden lijst
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
O 2013-05-30 Tornooi WOLU SM IV Luc CESAR NC NC 6/1-6/2 0 903964 0 0
O 2013-05-30 Tornooi WOLU SM IV Stéphane LAURENT NC NC 6/1-6/2 0 903977 0 0
O 2013-05-30 Tornooi WOLU SM IV Simon LECHAT C30.4 C30.3 6/2-7/6 0 903983 1 2
O 2013-05-30 Tornooi WOLU SM IV HADRIEN IWEINS NC C30.4 7/5-7/5 0 904014 0 1
O 2013-05-31 Tornooi LAMBERMONT SM IV Hugo GREGOIRE NC NC 6/2-6/1 0 904437 0 0
O 2013-05-31 Tornooi LAMBERMONT SM IV Dempsey SCHLOGEL C30.4 C30.4 6/1-4/6-7/6 0 904448 1 1
O 2013-05-31 Tornooi LAMBERMONT SM IV Geoffroy DE LAME C30.4 C30.3 7/5-6/4 0 904456 1 2
O 2013-06-08 Tornooi WATERLOO SM IV Deiann JAUKOVIC C30.4 C30.2 0 914602 1 3
O 2013-06-08 Tornooi WATERLOO SM IV ANTHONY PAPAVASILIOU C30.4 C30.4 0 914618 1 1
O 2013-06-08 Tornooi WATERLOO SM IV Tom AFSCHRIFT NC C30.4 0 916088 0 1
O 2013-06-28 Tornooi TOTAL SM IV Charles-Antoine MAFFEI NC NC 6/1-6/1 0 946042 0 0
O 2013-06-28 Tornooi TOTAL SM IV Sebastien Baijot NC C30.4 6/3-6/1 0 946046 0 1
O 2013-06-28 Tornooi TOTAL SM IV Johan MAHAUX C30.4 C30.4 WO-Exc 2 946050 1 1
O 2013-06-28 Tornooi TERDELT SM IV Christopher VAN HAELEN NC C30.4 6/1-6/2 0 946886 0 1
O 2013-06-28 Tornooi TERDELT SM IV Charles LE GRELLE C30.4 C30.3 6/2-7/5 0 946892 1 2
O 2013-06-28 Tornooi TERDELT SM IV Thierry MUGEGE C30.4 C30.3 3/6-6/3-7/6 0 946897 1 2
O 2013-08-02 Tornooi 3 TILLEULS SM IV Thibaut SPORCQ NC NC 6/2-6/2 0 1016304 0 0
O 2013-08-02 Tornooi 3 TILLEULS SM IV Michel Verlinden NC NC 6/0-6/1 0 1016312 0 0
O 2013-08-02 Tornooi 3 TILLEULS SM IV STEPHANE DEGREEF NC C30.4 6/2-7/6 0 1016390 0 1
O 2013-08-02 Tornooi 3 TILLEULS SM IV Pierre CNOCKAERT C30.4 C30.2 4/6-6/2-6/4 0 1016398 1 3
O 2013-08-09 Tornooi OMBRAGE SM IV Riccardo Enrico BERTONASCO NC NC 6/0-6/3 0 1028322 0 0
O 2013-08-09 Tornooi OMBRAGE SM IV Loïc KEMP NC NC 6/3-6/1 0 1028336 0 0
O 2013-08-09 Tornooi OMBRAGE SM IV Sacha Convens C30.4 C30.4 6/1-6/1 0 1028343 1 1
O 2013-08-09 Tornooi OMBRAGE SM IV Aurélien BODSON NC C30.4 6/4-6/4 0 1028373 0 1
O 2013-08-16 Tornooi SILVA SONIA SM IV Antonio FRIZ NC NC 6/2-6/1 0 1041217 0 0
O 2013-08-16 Tornooi SILVA SONIA SM IV Pierre GODEAU NC NC 6/2-7/5 0 1041221 0 0
O 2013-08-16 Tornooi SILVA SONIA SM IV Johan MAHAUX C30.4 C30.4 6/3-6/3 0 1041223 1 1
O 2013-08-16 Tornooi SILVA SONIA SM IV Yvan TORREKENS C30.4 C30.3 6/2-6/2 0 1041224 1 2
O 2013-08-31 Tornooi PRIMEROSE SM III Julien CHIBLI C30.3 C30.2 6/2-7/6 0 1059205 2 3
O 2013-09-13 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SM III Maxime LAMBINON C30.3 C30.2 6/0 - 2/6 - 6/2 0 1060299 2 3
O 2013-09-13 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SM III Jean-Michel DERNELLE C30 C30 6/3 - 6/1 0 1062224 5 5
O 2013-09-13 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SM IV MICHAEL DEBELS NC NC 6/2 - 6/3 0 1063630 0 0
O 2013-09-13 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SM IV Frederic NIELS NC C30.3 6/7 - 7/5 - 6/4 0 1063720 0 2
O 2013-09-13 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SM III Vincent DELLIEU C30.3 C30.3 6/4 - 5/7 - 6/2 0 1063841 2 2
O 2013-09-13 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SM IV Mickael Hermans NC C30.4 6/1 - 6/3 0 1063893 0 1
O 2013-09-13 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SM IV Joachim TIELENS C30.4 C30.4 6/4 - 6/2 0 1063915 1 1
O 2013-09-13 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SM IV SALVATORE FRERI NC C30.2 1/6 - 6/3 - 7/6 0 1063956 0 3
O 2013-09-13 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SM IV David MEISSNER NC C30.2 7/5 - 6/3 0 1064145 0 3
O 2013-05-26 Interclub ROYAL LA RASANTE vs I.B.E. T.C. (26/05/2013) Stéphane BOEDT C30.4 C30.4 5/7 7/5 6/3 0 875359 1 1
V 2013-05-30 Tornooi WOLU SM IV Olivier PETIT NC C30.2 6/4-7/6 0 904018 0 3
V 2013-05-31 Tornooi LAMBERMONT SM IV TOMMY REMICHE C30.4 C30.3 6/3-6/3 0 904462 1 2
V 2013-06-08 Tornooi WATERLOO SM IV José LAVINA NC C30.3 0 914626 0 2
V 2013-06-28 Tornooi TOTAL SM IV Ivan NICORA NC C30.2 6/1-6/1 0 946052 0 3
V 2013-06-28 Tornooi TERDELT SM III Filip SLEZAK C30.3 C30.2 7/5-7/5 0 946823 2 3
V 2013-06-28 Tornooi TERDELT SM IV Amand ACCARAIN C30.4 C30.3 2/6-7/5-6/1 0 946899 1 2
V 2013-08-02 Tornooi 3 TILLEULS SM III Karl BROUTA C30.4 C30.3 6/3-7/6 0 1016262 1 2
V 2013-08-02 Tornooi 3 TILLEULS SM IV Olivier DELEGLISE NC C30.1 6/3-6/1 0 1016402 0 4
V 2013-08-09 Tornooi OMBRAGE SM III Martin BATS C30.3 C30 6/3-3/0 0 1028306 2 5
V 2013-08-09 Tornooi OMBRAGE SM IV Grégory CARON C30.4 C30.2 6/1-6/2 0 1028377 1 3
V 2013-08-16 Tornooi SILVA SONIA SM III Jorn VERBRUGGE C30.1 C30.1 6/7-6/0-6/2 0 1041187 4 4
V 2013-08-31 Tornooi PRIMEROSE SM III Tim Dreessen C30.3 C30.2 6/2-6/3 0 1059213 2 3
V 2013-09-13 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SM III Alexandros XENAKIS C30 C30 6/1 - 6/1 0 1063892 5 5
V 2013-04-28 Interclub ROYAL LA RASANTE vs R. CHARLES-QUINT T.C. (28/04/2013) Grégory SILBERFELD C30.2 C30.2 2/6 6/4 1/6 0 790171 3 3
V 2013-05-05 Interclub R.C.S. INTERO vs ROYAL LA RASANTE (05/05/2013) Mathias DAVILA C30 C30.1 6/0 6/2 0 819457 5 4
V 2013-05-12 Interclub T.C. DU PARC vs ROYAL LA RASANTE (12/05/2013) Brice LEROY C30.4 C30.2 6/1 6/3 0 839757 1 3
V 2013-05-19 Interclub ROYAL LA RASANTE vs WATERLOO TENNIS (19/05/2013) Arnaud BESSIERE C30.2 C30.2 3/6 5/7 0 860807 3 3
Laatste update: 2024-09-21 23:59:03 CET
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