Ton classement de tennis belge AFT futur

Vind een speler met zijn naam of Tennis Vlaanderen lidnummer.
Speler : Nathan DALNE
Seizoen: 2013  (Zie 2012) (Zie 2014)
Huidig klassement: C30.3
Onze voorspelling voor volgend seizoen: C30.1
Wedstrijden lijst
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
O 2012-12-21 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SJG-16 II Tom DETRY C30.4 C30.2 7/5-6/2 0 741684 1 3
O 2012-12-21 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SJG-16 II Joachim TIELENS C30.4 C30.4 6/1-6/2 0 741688 1 1
O 2013-07-05 Tornooi PARIVAL SJG-16 II Guillaume DENIS NC C30.4 6/0-6/1 0 961268 0 1
O 2013-07-05 Tornooi PARIVAL SJG-16 II Maxime SCHRECK C30.4 C30.3 7/5-6/1 0 961276 1 2
O 2013-07-05 Tornooi PARIVAL SJG-16 II Alban VAN BEIRS C30.4 C30.3 7/6-6/0 0 961280 1 2
O 2013-07-05 Tornooi PARIVAL SJG-16 II Victor PILLARIAUX C30.3 C30.2 2/6-6/2-6/3 0 961282 2 3
O 2013-07-05 Tornooi PARIVAL SM III Henrique DE PAIVA C30 C30 6/1-6/3 0 961544 5 5
O 2013-07-05 Tornooi PARIVAL SM III Nicolas AVCI C30.3 C30.3 7/6-6/3 0 961548 2 2
O 2013-08-02 Tornooi 3 TILLEULS SJG-16 II Kyle MOSSELMAN NC C30.4 6/3-6/4 0 1016081 0 1
O 2013-08-02 Tornooi 3 TILLEULS SJG-16 II Brieuc DE LOOZ CORSWAREM C30.4 C30.3 7/6-6/0 0 1016088 1 2
O 2013-08-02 Tornooi 3 TILLEULS SJG-16 II Matthias BUELENS NC C30.4 6/1-6/2 0 1016092 0 1
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LES EGLANTIERS SJG-16 II Maximilien DUFLOU C30.3 C30.3 6/3-6/1 0 1053884 2 2
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LES EGLANTIERS SJG-16 II Aymeric STULEMEYER NC NC 6/1-6/0 0 1053894 0 0
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LES EGLANTIERS SM III Raphael ACHKAR C30.2 C30.2 5/7-6/2-6/4 0 1054073 3 3
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LES EGLANTIERS SM III Arnaud HANSEN C30.1 C30.1 6/3-6/2 0 1054087 4 4
O 2013-04-24 Interclub FOREST DOMAINE TENNIS vs R. LEOPOLD CLUB (24/04/2013) Jehan MATTHIEU C30.4 C30.4 6/3 6/0 0 815265 1 1
O 2013-05-09 Interclub TENNIS CLUB LE CHALET vs FOREST DOMAINE TENNIS (09/05/2013) Nicolas DE PAUW C30.4 C30.2 6/7 3/6 0 837467 1 3
O 2013-05-15 Interclub FOREST DOMAINE TENNIS vs LA RESERVE DU ROSEAU (15/05/2013) Ayrton CARLIER C30.4 C30.3 6/0 6/3 0 873856 1 2
V 2012-12-21 Tornooi CASTLE CLUB SJG-16 II Maxime ROUDARIS C30.3 C30.1 3/6-6/1-6/2 0 741690 2 4
V 2012-12-29 Tornooi ROSEAU SJG-16 II QUENTIN SWYSEN C30.4 C30.1 0/6-6/3-6/3 0 745067 1 4
V 2012-12-27 Tornooi WIMBLEDON SM III Dominique MILIS C30.1 C30.1 6/3-6/3 0 745703 4 4
V 2013-07-05 Tornooi PARIVAL SM III Lucas Andre C30.3 C30 6/1-6/2 0 961552 2 5
V 2013-08-02 Tornooi 3 TILLEULS SJG-16 II THOMAS WILMET C30.4 C30.2 6/4-6/4 0 1016094 1 3
V 2013-08-02 Tornooi 3 TILLEULS SM III Laurent WEYERS C30.3 C30.1 6/2-6/3 0 1016264 2 4
V 2013-08-23 Tornooi LES EGLANTIERS SJG-16 II Alexandre LEYSSENS C30.3 C30 7/5-6/0 0 1053900 2 5
V 2013-08-23 Tornooi LES EGLANTIERS SM III Samuel BELOTTI C30 C30.1 6/2-6/4 0 1054094 5 4
V 2013-05-01 Interclub R. BAUDOUIN CLUB vs FOREST DOMAINE TENNIS (01/05/2013) Justin PEETERS C30.3 C30.2 6/4 2/6 6/2 0 815292 2 3
Laatste update: 2024-09-23 23:59:03 CET
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