Ton classement de tennis belge AFT futur

Vind een speler met zijn naam of Tennis Vlaanderen lidnummer.
Speler : Nicolas DE PAUW
Seizoen: 2013  (Zie 2012) (Zie 2014)
Huidig klassement: C30.4
Onze voorspelling voor volgend seizoen: C30.2
Wedstrijden lijst
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
O 2012-12-24 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SJG-16 II Pierre DUBUISSON C30.4 C30.2 7/5-6/1 0 741492 1 3
O 2012-12-28 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SM IV Pascal BOON NC C30.4 2/6-6/1-6/1 0 745269 0 1
O 2012-12-28 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SM IV Marko JOVANOVIC C30.4 C30.3 6/3-6/2 0 745280 1 2
O 2012-12-28 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SM IV Nicolas VAN RENTERGHEM NC NC 6/1-6/0 0 745286 0 0
O 2012-12-28 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SM IV Tomasz KONCZUK C30.4 C30.1 3/6-7/6-6/4 0 745310 1 4
O 2013-03-30 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SJG-16 II Benjamin KRAUSE-HEIBER NC NC 6/1-6/0 0 764771 0 0
O 2013-03-30 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SM IV Olivier CREPLET C30.4 C30.4 6/3-6/0 0 764904 1 1
O 2013-03-30 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SM IV Roger TILMANS NC NC 6/0-6/1 0 764913 0 0
O 2013-03-30 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SM IV Romain BERGER C30.4 C30.4 6/4-6/2 0 764917 1 1
O 2013-03-30 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SM IV Alberic FORT NC C30.3 6/3-6/3 0 764939 0 2
O 2013-03-30 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SM IV Maxime VANHORICK C30.4 C30.3 3/6-6/2-6/0 0 764942 1 2
O 2013-06-21 Tornooi PRIMEROSE SJG-16 II Christopher VAN HAELEN NC C30.4 7/6-6/1 0 933106 0 1
O 2013-06-21 Tornooi PRIMEROSE SJG-16 II Mathias WEIL C30.4 C30.4 6/2-6/1 0 933112 1 1
O 2013-06-21 Tornooi PRIMEROSE SM IV Ivan PAUWELS NC NC 6/2-6/3 0 982737 0 0
O 2013-07-26 Tornooi LAEKEN SJG-16 II BO GODART NC NC 6/1-6/0 0 999501 0 0
O 2013-07-26 Tornooi LAEKEN SJG-16 II Jérémy MASQUELIER C30.4 C30.4 6/0-6/0 0 999503 1 1
O 2013-07-26 Tornooi LAEKEN SJG-16 II Enrique LEMOINE C30.4 C30.3 6/4-6/2 0 999505 1 2
O 2013-07-26 Tornooi LAEKEN SM IV Cyril RANDOUX C30.4 C30.3 6/2-6/2 0 999829 1 2
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LE CHALET SJG-16 II Maxime VANDEZANDE NC NC 6/0-6/0 0 1053331 0 0
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LE CHALET SJG-16 II Jérémy MASQUELIER C30.4 C30.4 6/1-6/1 0 1053332 1 1
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LE CHALET SJG-16 II Enrique LEMOINE C30.4 C30.3 6/0-6/1 0 1053334 1 2
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LE CHALET SM IV Nathan STONSKA C30.4 C30.4 6/1-6/3 0 1053526 1 1
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LE CHALET SM IV Grégory TASTENOE NC NC 6/0-6/2 0 1053531 0 0
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LE CHALET SM IV Jasper DOBER C30.4 C30.4 6/2-2/6-6/1 0 1053550 1 1
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LE CHALET SM IV Pierre-Arthur DE BETHUNE NC C30.3 6/1-6/3 0 1053555 0 2
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LE CHALET SM IV Thomas GRIGNARD C30.4 C30.3 6/3-1/6-6/4 0 1053558 1 2
O 2013-08-23 Tornooi LE CHALET SM IV Maxence CAPELLE NC C30.4 7/6-6/1 0 1053559 0 1
O 2013-04-24 Interclub TENNIS CLUB LE CHALET vs R. BAUDOUIN CLUB (24/04/2013) Justin PEETERS C30.3 C30.2 7/6 6/0 0 815261 2 3
O 2013-05-01 Interclub LES EGLANTIERS T.C. vs TENNIS CLUB LE CHALET (01/05/2013) Thibaut PAILLIER C30.3 C30.3 3/6 2/6 0 815294 2 2
O 2013-05-05 Interclub EVERE WHITE STAR TENNIS CLUB vs TENNIS CLUB LE CHALET (05/05/2013) Jean-François CARAMIN C30.3 C30.3 3/6 3/6 0 819463 2 2
O 2013-05-19 Interclub T.C. ARGAYON vs TENNIS CLUB LE CHALET (19/05/2013) Johan VANNEROM C15.5 C15.5 6/4 1/6 3/6 0 860817 6 6
V 2012-12-24 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SJG-16 II Arnaud VAN MARCKE DE LUMMEN C30.3 C30.2 2/6-7/5-6/4 0 741499 2 3
V 2012-12-28 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SM IV Thierry SOUBESTRE NC C30.2 6/0-6/3 0 745313 0 3
V 2013-03-30 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SJG-16 II Alexandre ERNST DE BUNSWYCK C30.2 C30.1 4/6 7/5 - Ab. 0 764773 3 4
V 2013-03-30 Tornooi SAINT-JOSSE SM IV Antoine DE HALLOY NC C30.3 WO-Exc 2 764944 0 2
V 2013-06-21 Tornooi PRIMEROSE SJG-16 II QUENTIN SWYSEN C30.4 C30.1 6/2-6/0 0 933116 1 4
V 2013-06-21 Tornooi PRIMEROSE SM IV Antoine VILAIN NC C30.3 6/3-7/5 0 982742 0 2
V 2013-07-26 Tornooi LAEKEN SM IV Enrique LEMOINE C30.4 C30.3 7/5-0/6-6/3 0 999833 1 2
V 2013-04-28 Interclub TENNIS CLUB LE CHALET vs R.C.S. INTERO (28/04/2013) Anthony DE WALQUE C30.2 C15.5 4/6 1/6 0 790184 3 6
V 2013-05-08 Interclub TENNIS CLUB LE CHALET vs LA RESERVE DU ROSEAU (08/05/2013) Jacques MARTENS C30.1 C30.1 4/6 3/6 0 837433 4 4
V 2013-05-09 Interclub TENNIS CLUB LE CHALET vs FOREST DOMAINE TENNIS (09/05/2013) Nathan DALNE C30.3 C30.1 6/7 3/6 0 837467 2 4
V 2013-05-12 Interclub TENNIS CLUB LE CHALET vs TENNIS DE LA CURE (12/05/2013) Mathieu NEYRINCK C30.1 C15.1 2/6 6/2 3/6 0 839830 4 10
V 2013-05-15 Interclub R. LEOPOLD CLUB vs TENNIS CLUB LE CHALET (15/05/2013) Thibaud JANSEN C30.3 C30.3 6/7 7/5 6/4 0 858757 2 2
V 2013-05-26 Interclub TENNIS CLUB LE CHALET vs LA RESERVE DU ROSEAU (26/05/2013) Ugo MARECHAL C30.3 C30.1 2/6 1/6 0 875427 2 4
Laatste update: 2024-09-22 23:59:02 CET
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