Ton classement de tennis belge AFT futur

Vind een speler met zijn naam of Tennis Vlaanderen lidnummer.
Speler : David GERIN
Seizoen: 2014  (Zie 2013) (Zie 2015)
Huidig klassement: C30.4
Onze voorspelling voor volgend seizoen: C30.3
Wedstrijden lijst
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
O 2014-07-12 Tornooi ABBAYE SM 35 III Daniel VAN STAPPEN C30.3 C30.3 6/3 - 7/5 0 1299727 2 2
O 2014-07-26 Tornooi SMASH 2000 SM 45 III Michel REQUETTE NC NC 6/1 - 6/1 0 1322975 0 0
O 2014-07-26 Tornooi SMASH 2000 SM 45 III Daniel CHANTRAINE NC NC WO Admin. 1 1325680 0 0
O 2014-07-26 Tornooi SMASH 2000 SM 35 III Arnaud POTVIN NC NC 6/1 - 6/1 0 1326411 0 0
O 2014-07-26 Tornooi SMASH 2000 SM 45 III Patrick LAMBERT C30.3 C30.3 7/6 - 7/5 0 1329934 2 2
O 2014-07-26 Tornooi SMASH 2000 SM 35 III Patrick LAMBERT C30.3 C30.3 6/4 - 6/1 0 1330913 2 2
O 2014-07-26 Tornooi SMASH 2000 SM 35 III Quentin WAUTIER NC NC 6/4 - 6/2 0 1333535 0 0
O 2014-08-02 Tornooi HANNUTOIS HCSM35 serge de LONGREE NC C30.3 6/1 - 6/4 0 1337713 0 2
O 2014-08-02 Tornooi HANNUTOIS HCSM45 Christian BOLLAND C30.3 C30.4 6/2 - 6/0 0 1337715 2 1
O 2014-05-18 Interclub T.C. EMBOURG vs T.C. ABBAYE (18/05/2014) Ludovic ROYER NC NC 0/6 2/6 0 1188967 0 0
O 2014-05-24 Interclub T.C. AMAY vs T.C. ABBAYE (24/05/2014) Tanguy VAN ACKERE NC NC 2/6 1/6 0 1199380 0 0
O 2014-05-25 Interclub T.C. ABBAYE vs T.C. ANS (25/05/2014) Stéphane BEAUJOT NC C30.3 6/3 7/5 0 1209009 0 2
O 2014-05-31 Interclub T.C. ABBAYE vs T.C. FAIMES (31/05/2014) Frederic DELNATTE NC NC 6/3 6/1 0 1218957 0 0
O 2014-06-07 Interclub T.C. OREYE vs T.C. ABBAYE (07/06/2014) Guido JASPARS NC NC 0/6 1/6 0 1235567 0 0
O 2014-06-15 Interclub T.C. ABBAYE vs T.C. CONDROZ (15/06/2014) François BOELENS C30.4 C30.4 6/0 6/4 0 1249176 1 1
O 2014-07-12 Interclub T.C. ABBAYE vs T.C. TROOZ (12/07/2014) Vincent MOSSOUX NC C30.4 6/1 6/2 0 1296871 0 1
O 2014-07-26 Interclub C.T.B. MOHA vs T.C. ABBAYE (26/07/2014) Frederic RIHON NC C30.4 2/6 4/6 0 1337998 0 1
V 2014-06-07 Tornooi STANDARD SM III Matyas GOFFIN C30.2 C30.1 WO Cert. 2 1231946 3 4
V 2014-06-14 Tornooi GRACE SM III Michael CATTELAIN C30.3 C30 WO 2 1242978 2 5
V 2014-07-12 Tornooi ABBAYE SM III Nicolas VAN EKEREN C30.4 C30.3 6/0 - 6/2 0 1304606 1 2
V 2014-07-12 Tornooi ABBAYE SM 35 III Thierry BRUGMANS NC C30.2 6/3 - 6/4 0 1304618 0 3
V 2014-07-26 Tornooi SMASH 2000 SM 45 III PIROTTIN Thierry Magic C30.2 C30 6/3 - 6/2 0 1333536 3 5
V 2014-08-02 Tornooi HANNUTOIS HCSM45 Rudi PLAINEVAUX C30.1 C30.2 6/1 - 6/1 0 1338511 4 3
V 2014-08-02 Tornooi HANNUTOIS HCSM35 Louis COENEN C30.1 C30.1 6/4 - 6/1 0 1342854 4 4
V 2014-05-04 Interclub T.C. UNIVERSITE vs T.C. ABBAYE (04/05/2014) Luigi SACCO C30.4 C30.3 3/6 6/4 6/2 0 1147992 1 2
V 2014-06-14 Interclub T.C. ABBAYE vs T.C. SMASH 2000 (14/06/2014) Frédéric ROUSSEAU NC C30.4 4/6 2/6 0 1244439 0 1
V 2014-06-22 Interclub T.C. TROIS CHENES vs T.C. ABBAYE (22/06/2014) Sébastien GONZALEZ C30.3 C30.1 6/4 3/6 6/3 0 1260599 2 4
V 2014-07-19 Interclub T.C. ABBAYE vs K.T.C. EUPEN (19/07/2014) Edgar NEICKEN C30.4 C30.3 4/6 3/6 0 1314474 1 2
V 2014-09-06 Interclub T.C. ABBAYE vs C.T. LA VOLEE (06/09/2014) Robert KADRI C30.4 C30.4 1/6 2/6 0 1385429 1 1
Laatste update: 2024-09-20 23:59:03 CET
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