Ton classement de tennis belge AFT futur

Vind een speler met zijn naam of Tennis Vlaanderen lidnummer.
Speler : Diégo De Cooman
Seizoen: 2016  (Zie 2015) (Zie 2017)
Huidig klassement: C30.2
Onze voorspelling voor volgend seizoen: C15.2
Wedstrijden lijst
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
Overw/Verl Datum Competitie Tegenstander Klassement Nieuw Klassement Score WO id RankValue RankNewValue
O 2015-12-18 Tornooi ARGAYON SJG -12 Jean-Lou VANDENHAUTE C30.3 C30.2 6/0 - 6/1 0 1715985 2 3
O 2015-12-19 Tornooi T.C. WIMBLEDON ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 Maxime SEYDEL C30.3 C30.1 6/4 - 6/4 0 1718220 2 4
O 2015-12-19 Tornooi RAQUETTE WAVRE SJG -12 I Matej SLEZAK NC C30.4 6/2 - 6/2 0 1718495 0 1
O 2015-12-18 Tornooi ARGAYON SJG -12 Niels RATZIU C30.2 C30.2 6/0 - 6/0 0 1718516 3 3
O 2015-12-19 Tornooi RAQUETTE WAVRE SJG -12 I Cyril NIJSKENS C30.4 C30.4 6/1 - 6/0 0 1719208 1 1
O 2015-12-19 Tornooi RAQUETTE WAVRE SJG -12 I Grégoire COPPE C30.3 C30 WO 2 1719210 2 5
O 2015-12-26 Tornooi JUSTINE HENIN SJG -12 I Mathias ARPY FLORES C30.4 C30.4 6/1 - 6/1 0 1723118 1 1
O 2015-12-26 Tornooi JUSTINE HENIN SJG -12 I Oliver GHEUDE C30.3 C30.3 6/1 - 6/4 0 1723936 2 2
O 2016-02-06 Tornooi T.C. FOREST HILLS ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 Maxime SEYDEL C30.3 C30.1 6/1 - 6/2 0 1732050 2 4
O 2016-02-19 Tornooi LEOPOLD SJG -12 I Mathias ARPY FLORES C30.4 C30.4 6/1 - 6/0 0 1737322 1 1
O 2016-02-19 Tornooi LEOPOLD SJG -12 I Jules Melot C30.3 C30.2 6/3 - 6/1 0 1737326 2 3
O 2016-03-28 Tornooi T.C. BRUGHIA ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 Yousif Sesay C30.3 C30.2 6/3 - 6/3 0 1742681 2 3
O 2016-03-28 Tornooi T.C. BRUGHIA ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 Frederik Caeyman C30.1 C30.1 Walk-Over 2 1743283 4 4
O 2016-04-02 Tornooi T.C. HEIVELD ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 Quinn Sprengers C30.3 C30.1 7/6 (6) - 3/6 - 6/3 0 1748951 2 4
O 2016-04-02 Tornooi T.C. HEIVELD ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 MEES BRINKMANN C15.5 C15.5 6/2 - 6/2 0 1749941 6 6
O 2016-04-01 Tornooi LE BERCUIT SJG -12 I Arthur Allègre NC C30.4 6/1 - 7/5 0 1750132 0 1
O 2016-04-01 Tornooi LE BERCUIT SJG -12 I Mattéo VANDERLINDEN C30.4 C30.3 6/2 - 6/2 0 1750598 1 2
O 2016-04-02 Tornooi T.C. HEIVELD ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 Stijn Van Asten C30.2 C30.1 6/2 - 6/3 0 1751561 3 4
O 2016-04-01 Tornooi LE BERCUIT SJG -12 I Grégoire COPPE C30.3 C30 6/4 - 6/1 0 1751903 2 5
O 2016-06-25 Tornooi K. STADE LEUVEN T.C. ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 Mats Steenland C30.3 C30.1 6/1 - 6/4 0 1909250 2 4
O 2016-07-11 Tornooi GERONSART SM III Sullivan COURTOIS C15.5 C15.3 6/2 - 4/6 - 6/2 0 1927203 6 8
O 2016-07-08 Tornooi PARIVAL SM III Loïck ROSSET C30.3 C30.1 6/2 - 6/2 0 1930525 2 4
O 2016-07-08 Tornooi PARIVAL SM III Milo Vosswinkel C30.2 C30 6/3 - 6/3 0 1932962 3 5
O 2016-07-11 Tornooi GERONSART SM III Julien MARTIN C15.4 C15.1 6/3 - 6/3 0 1933547 7 10
O 2016-07-11 Tornooi GERONSART SM III Thierry DARDENNE C15.2 C15.2 3/6 - 6/3 - 6/2 0 1935131 9 9
O 2016-07-16 Tornooi ARGAYON SM III Alvaro DAVILA FERRERO C30.3 C30 6/1 - 6/2 0 1936786 2 5
O 2016-07-18 Tornooi LA CLOSIERE SM III Sacha CORBUGY C30.3 C30.2 6/1 - 6/0 0 1940468 2 3
O 2016-07-18 Tornooi LA CLOSIERE SM IV Steve WILMET C30.4 C30.3 6/0 - 6/2 0 1941282 1 2
O 2016-07-18 Tornooi LA CLOSIERE SM III Xavier MUSCHART C30 C15.5 6/1 - 6/0 0 1943272 5 6
O 2016-07-18 Tornooi LA CLOSIERE SM III Gilles LECLERCQ C30 C15.5 6/1 - 6/1 0 1946782 5 6
O 2016-07-18 Tornooi LA CLOSIERE SM IV Denis REINIER C30.1 C30.1 6/0 - 2/6 - 6/0 0 1946787 4 4
O 2016-07-18 Tornooi LA CLOSIERE SM IV Nicolas HANOZET C30 C30 6/3 - 5/0 Ab. 0 1947568 5 5
O 2016-07-18 Tornooi LA CLOSIERE SM III Quentin GARNIR C15.4 C15.4 6/3 - 6/3 0 1949569 7 7
O 2016-07-18 Tornooi LA CLOSIERE SM IV Gilles LECLERCQ C30 C15.5 6/0 - 6/2 0 1949572 5 6
O 2016-07-18 Tornooi LA CLOSIERE SM III Nicolas LENGELE C15.2 C15.3 7/5 - 6/1 0 1950496 9 8
O 2016-07-18 Tornooi LA CLOSIERE SM IV Mattéo COUVREUR C30.2 C30 4/6 - 6/2 - 6/0 0 1950498 3 5
O 2016-07-23 Tornooi ODRIMONT SM III Thomas FOLIE C30.3 C30.3 6/1 Ab. 0 1952326 2 2
O 2016-07-25 Tornooi OHEY SM III Yves ANCIAUX C30.3 C30.1 6/2 - 2/6 - 6/1 0 1953554 2 4
O 2016-07-25 Tornooi OHEY SM III Marius ROSIERE C15.5 C15.2 7/6 - 6/1 0 1956699 6 9
O 2016-07-25 Tornooi OHEY SM IV Guillaume DEMILIE C30.3 C30.3 6/1 - 6/1 0 1956700 2 2
O 2016-07-25 Tornooi OHEY SM III Damien LOUIS C15.4 C15.3 6/1 - 6/2 0 1957367 7 8
O 2016-07-25 Tornooi OHEY SM IV Emeric MASSON C30.2 C30 6/2 - 6/1 0 1957369 3 5
O 2016-07-25 Tornooi OHEY SM III Nicolas RASSART C15.3 C15.3 6/1 - 6/0 0 1959707 8 8
O 2016-07-25 Tornooi OHEY SM IV Grégoire JACQUES C30.1 C30.1 6/0 - 6/4 0 1959709 4 4
O 2016-07-25 Tornooi OHEY SM III Bastien RIFLET C15.3 C15.1 5/7 - 7/6 - 6/4 0 1960672 8 10
O 2016-07-25 Tornooi OHEY SM IV Nicolas WATTEYNE C30 C30 6/2 - 7/5 0 1960673 5 5
O 2016-08-08 Tornooi HAILLOT SM III Maxime Rigo C30.1 C30 7/6 - 6/4 0 1973638 4 5
O 2016-08-08 Tornooi HAILLOT SM III Gérald COLINET C30 C15.5 6/0 - 6/4 0 1976248 5 6
O 2016-08-08 Tornooi HAILLOT SM IV Pierre HULJEV C30.3 C30.2 6/0 - 6/4 0 1976252 2 3
O 2016-08-08 Tornooi HAILLOT SM III Antoine DESIRON C15.3 B+4/6 6/1 - 6/1 0 1979066 8 12
O 2016-08-08 Tornooi HAILLOT SM III Théodore VERBURGH C15.4 C15.5 6/2 - 6/4 0 1980742 7 6
O 2016-08-15 Tornooi CITADELLE SM III Clement MENNIG C30.3 C30.3 6/1 - 6/0 0 1986175 2 2
O 2016-08-15 Tornooi CITADELLE SM III Théodore VERBURGH C15.4 C15.5 6/4 - 6/2 0 1989440 7 6
O 2016-08-15 Tornooi CITADELLE SM III Grégoire DEMANET C30.2 C15.3 6/1 - 6/1 0 1990200 3 8
O 2016-08-15 Tornooi CITADELLE SM III Romain CLAES C15.2 C15.3 6/0 - 6/4 0 1991187 9 8
O 2016-08-22 Tornooi LES ALLOUX SM III Julien CORBEAU C30.2 C15.4 6/1 - 6/4 0 1994231 3 7
O 2016-08-22 Tornooi FONTENALLE SM III Damien LOUIS C15.4 C15.3 6/4 - 6/1 0 1996502 7 8
O 2016-08-22 Tornooi LES ALLOUX SM III Louis LEDORMEUR C15.5 C15.5 WO Exc. 2 1999476 6 6
O 2016-08-22 Tornooi FONTENALLE SM IV Gaël RENIER NC C30.2 7/6 - 7/5 0 2000725 0 3
O 2016-08-22 Tornooi LES ALLOUX SM III Julien RAZE C15.4 C15.2 2/6 - 6/3 - 6/2 0 2001473 7 9
O 2016-08-22 Tornooi LES ALLOUX SM III Luc EVRARD C15.5 C15.5 6/4 - 6/0 0 2003407 6 6
O 2016-08-22 Tornooi FONTENALLE SM III Arnaud DEROCHETTE C30.2 C30.1 6/3 - 6/2 0 2004129 3 4
O 2016-08-22 Tornooi FONTENALLE SM IV Nicolas HANOZET C30 C30 6/4 - 7/6 0 2004130 5 5
O 2016-08-22 Tornooi FONTENALLE SM III Nicolas HANOZET C30 C30 6/1 - 6/2 0 2006665 5 5
O 2016-08-22 Tornooi FONTENALLE SM IV Arnaud DEROCHETTE C30.2 C30.1 6/4 - 6/2 0 2006666 3 4
O 2016-08-29 Tornooi OREE DU BOIS SM III David DIERICKX C15.4 C15.3 6/2 - 1/6 - 6/3 0 2007327 7 8
O 2016-08-29 Tornooi OREE DU BOIS SM III Olivier JULLIEN C15.2 C15.3 6/2 - 6/2 0 2012820 9 8
O 2016-08-29 Tornooi OREE DU BOIS SM IV Clement MENNIG C30.3 C30.3 6/1 - 6/3 0 2012823 2 2
O 2016-08-29 Tornooi OREE DU BOIS SM IV Michael MESDAGH C30.1 C30 6/2 - 7/6 0 2012826 4 5
O 2016-08-29 Tornooi OREE DU BOIS SM III Marius ROSIERE C15.5 C15.2 3/6 - 7/5 - 6/4 0 2014173 6 9
O 2016-09-05 Tornooi RAIL SM III Romain ROUSSEAU C30.3 C30.3 6/1 - 6/4 0 2014802 2 2
O 2016-09-05 Tornooi RAIL SM III François BRIOT C15.5 C15.5 6/1 - 6/1 0 2016796 6 6
O 2016-09-05 Tornooi RAIL SM III Marius ROSIERE C15.5 C15.2 7/5 - 6/3 0 2019367 6 9
O 2016-09-05 Tornooi RAIL SM III Maxime MAHIEU C15.3 C15.3 6/4 - 6/4 0 2020968 8 8
O 2016-04-13 Interclub T.C. PANORAMA vs PARK TENNIS KLUB VILVOORDE (13/04/2016) Lowie Verlinden C30.4 C30.4 6/1 - 6/3 0 1752681 1 1
O 2016-04-20 Interclub Arenal Meise vs T.C. PANORAMA (20/04/2016) Robin Beaumont C30.4 C30.3 6/1 - 7/5 0 1764682 1 2
O 2016-05-04 Interclub T.C. PANORAMA vs TC TENNIFUN (04/05/2016) Robbe Vereecke C30.4 C30.4 6/0 - 6/1 0 1791517 1 1
O 2016-05-25 Interclub T.C. PANORAMA vs TENNIS WEZEMAAL (25/05/2016) Matteo Vosswinkel C30.3 C30.4 6/1 - 6/1 0 1851335 2 1
O 2016-06-01 Interclub T.C. GRAND SLAM TIENEN vs T.C. PANORAMA (01/06/2016) Alexander Poot C30.4 C30.4 6/0 - 6/2 0 1864833 1 1
V 2015-12-18 Tornooi ARGAYON SJG -12 Guillaume JACOB C30.1 C15.3 6/0 - 6/3 0 1719297 4 8
V 2015-12-19 Tornooi T.C. WIMBLEDON ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 Gilles-Arnaud Bailly C30.2 C30 6/2 - 6/4 0 1720759 3 5
V 2015-12-26 Tornooi JUSTINE HENIN SJG -12 I Joshua NUYTS C30.1 C15.2 6/1 - 4/6 - 6/3 0 1724615 4 9
V 2016-02-06 Tornooi LE PARC SM III Laurens Wellens C30.3 C15.3 6/3 - 6/3 0 1731117 2 8
V 2016-02-06 Tornooi T.C. FOREST HILLS ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 Alexander Blockx C15.2 B+4/6 6/3 - 6/0 0 1733006 9 12
V 2016-02-19 Tornooi LEOPOLD SJG -12 I VITAS BARENDREGT C30.1 C15.5 WO Exc. 2 1737686 4 6
V 2016-04-01 Tornooi LE BERCUIT SM III AYMERIC DELLA FAILLE C30.3 C30.1 6/3 - 4/6 - 7/5 0 1744249 2 4
V 2016-03-28 Tornooi T.C. BRUGHIA ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 Gilles-Arnaud Bailly C30.2 C30 6/2 - 6/2 0 1745181 3 5
V 2016-04-02 Tornooi T.C. HEIVELD ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 Noah Merre C30.1 C15.5 6/2 - 6/3 0 1751563 4 6
V 2016-06-25 Tornooi K. STADE LEUVEN T.C. ENKEL JONGENS U12 1 MEES BRINKMANN C15.5 C15.5 4/6 - 6/2 - 6/0 0 1912296 6 6
V 2016-07-08 Tornooi PARIVAL SM III José HERNANDEZ SARACHO C30.1 C15.1 6/3 - 6/1 0 1936024 4 10
V 2016-07-11 Tornooi GERONSART SM III Nicolas DECLAYE C15.4 B+4/6 6/3 - 6/0 0 1936699 7 12
V 2016-07-16 Tornooi ARGAYON SM III Louis BEUGNIES C30.1 C15.1 2/6 - 7/5 - 6/2 0 1942085 4 10
V 2016-07-18 Tornooi LA CLOSIERE SM III Nathan HEYNE C15.5 C15.1 6/4 - 6/1 0 1950497 6 10
V 2016-07-23 Tornooi ODRIMONT SM III Carl-Eric HOLM C30 B+4/6 6/0 - 6/1 0 1953011 5 12
V 2016-08-08 Tornooi HAILLOT SM IV Quentin CATILINA C30.3 C30 6/7 - 6/1 - 6/0 0 1979074 2 5
V 2016-08-08 Tornooi HAILLOT SM III Nathan HEYNE C15.5 C15.1 6/2 - 6/2 0 1982624 6 10
V 2016-08-15 Tornooi CITADELLE SM III Julien RAZE C15.4 C15.2 6/4 - 7/5 0 1991189 7 9
V 2016-08-22 Tornooi LES ALLOUX SM III Brieuc FRATEUR C30.3 C15.4 2/6 - 6/3 - 6/1 0 2004178 2 7
V 2016-08-29 Tornooi OREE DU BOIS SM IV Adriano BOREMANSE NC C30.1 6/1 - 6/0 0 2014174 0 4
V 2016-09-05 Tornooi RAIL SM IV Grégoire DEMANET C30.2 C15.3 6/2 - 6/2 0 2019723 3 8
V 2016-09-05 Tornooi RAIL SM III Bastien RIFLET C15.3 C15.1 6/4 - 6/3 0 2021513 8 10
V 2016-05-18 Interclub TENNIS S.D.I. VZW vs T.C. PANORAMA (18/05/2016) Mats Steenland C30.3 C30.1 7/5 - 6/3 0 1835489 2 4
V 2016-07-04 Interclub Memorial VDW vs Memorial VDW (04/07/2016) Olaf Vanhooren C30.3 C30.1 6/7 (5) - 6/0 - 6/3 0 1930442 2 4
V 2016-07-05 Interclub Memorial VDW vs Memorial VDW (05/07/2016) Lucas Nees C30.1 C30.1 6/4 - 6/3 0 1930447 4 4
V 2016-07-06 Interclub Memorial VDW vs Memorial VDW (06/07/2016) Noah Merre C30.1 C15.5 6/3 - 7/5 0 1930451 4 6
V 2016-07-07 Interclub Memorial VDW vs Memorial VDW (07/07/2016) Gilles-Arnaud Bailly C30.2 C30 6/2 - 6/3 0 1930462 3 5
V 2016-07-08 Interclub Memorial VDW vs Memorial VDW (08/07/2016) Mats Steenland C30.3 C30.1 7/5 - 6/1 0 1930464 2 4
Laatste update: 2024-09-23 23:59:03 CET
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